southern california rideout for big bmx bikes, big bike bmx, bmx rideout, ridout

Stacked Rideout | Riverside

If you love Riverside, California, like to ride bikes, this free bike ride will take you through some of the coolest places in the inland empire. You can attend this free community bike ride with your family of any age and all style of bikes are welcome. Items recommend are lights, helmet, tubes, tools and water so you are prepared if you break down.  At 6:30pm every Tuesday you will meet at Ryan Bonaminio park on the east side of Rubidoux where parking is free in the park. You will leave at 7:15pm sharp, follow the leader, obey traffic laws and ride at your own risk. The route you will take will change week to week and take you through all the nook and crannies of the city. You will stop at all the main intersections, ride on mainly flat ground but will be challenged on a few up hills. This bike ride will get you back into riding bikes and get many people that do not ride bikes the ability to experience the fun of bikes. This ride will end back at the park you parked at around 9-9:30pm and usually ends with a downhill route. If you want to go on the funnest bike ride in California we encourage you to join this one. This bike ride happens every Tuesday except when the weather is too bad but if not and you want more info it is all below.

Time: Meet at 6:30pm leave at 7:15pm sharp

Day: 1st Tuesday of the month (Til further notice)

Location: 5000 Tequesquite Ave Riverside, California 92503

Estimated rider count: 100 - 400

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Michael Miller - September 30, 2024

Right on! the Stacked Rideout sounds awesome and I will try to make it, had no idea you did that once a month. Might bring the whole family, I don’t live too far away. I’m considering buying a Race Inc bike from you, just waiting for right price/discount to push me over the edge. I missed my chance when these Race Inc were $299. Have a great day and maybe I’ll see ya’ll there.

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